The Rockies

Mountains to the west of Big Timber, Montana.

At 4 something this morning, Regis woke me to remind me I wanted to see the sun rise on Devil’s Tower.  I had a hard time sleeping last night, so I’m pretty sure I finally fell asleep at 4 something minus 1 minute.  I can’t say that I cared when Regis woke me, so he went out by himself while I slowly got myself moving.  He caught this picture with the warm light from the sun rise bouncing off Devil’s Tower and the rocks beneath. It’s a shame I missed the live view!

Devil’s Tower in the glow of the morning sun.

As a result of Regis’ enthusiasm, we got a very early start.  There was very little traffic and we got to drive on some nice roads as we headed out of Wyoming into Montana.  I fell in love.  The scenery was beautiful and I never saw so many Pronghorns in my life.  We saw hundreds of them.  We also saw deer and a beautiful fox.

As we headed west through Montana, the snow capped Rockies rose in the distance both to the southwest and the west.  How could I have forgotten how big they are?  We haven’t seen them in a few years and we were both flabbergasted.  They are huge.  These are all part of the Rockies.  We are seeing the Absaroka Range (a segment of the Rockies) to the Southwest which is on the Montana and Wyoming border.   It is between us and Yellowstone National Park which is one of my many favorite places.

The Yellowstone River is 2/10 of a foot below flood stage.  The last time we went through here it was hot and dry in August.  Now, the mountains have snow on them, the vegetation is lush and beautiful, and the river is overflowing it’s banks in places.  It looks different.  The river is gorgeous, but that is easy for me to say since I don’t live next to it and have to worry about flooding.

4 Comments on “The Rockies

  1. What a spectacular sight to see upon waking up (or dozing off)! I am sure the sunrise glow on the Devil’s Tower was even better than the photo is rendering (and the photo is pretty fantastic, Regis!) Seeing the photos is a great reminder of how amazing and diverse the terrain of this country really is. Thanks so much for allowing me to vicariously share in your cross-country trip.

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    • What didn’t get posted was sometime around 1-3 in the morning a bright light came in through my bedroom window. As I awoke into reality I saw the moon setting along side the tower. Awesome sight. Yes the camp ground was right there below the tower! That’s where the “where’s dart” photo was taken at the campsite, well one row over from where we were.

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  2. As you know, I love the beauty of Montana. The pictures are gorgeous!!!! I had mixed feelings when my sister decided to move back east. If wasn’t so darn cold in the winter time, I may want to live there. 🤔😊


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