Month: May 2020

Adventure 2020 Begins

We started our Adventure 2020 trip on Saturday, May 30. While packing on Friday, the released blue jay showed up and supervised our efforts for awhile. During our final packing on Saturday morning, the blue jay returned and “talked” to us the entire time… Continue Reading “Adventure 2020 Begins”


I ran out of mealworms on Sunday for the released baby birds. When I brought the bowl out Monday morning with other food, they were not pleased. Sweetie (the mockingbird) left. Topaz (the blue jay) spit the food out and begged for something else.… Continue Reading “Cottonmouth”

Baby Birds 0522 and a Raccoon

Sweetie (recently released mockingbird) and Topaz (recently released blue jay) continue to show up for handouts at both our house and the neighbor’s. Following is a video of the two from this morning. After they eat their fill of mealworms, a pair of bluebirds… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0522 and a Raccoon”

Baby Birds 0520

Mach 1 has been mooching at the neighbors and regularly getting raisins from them. Yesterday, I was chatting with my neighbor over the fence and Mach 1 showed up. Mach 1 landed on my neighbor’s arm while she hand fed it raisins. I make… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0520”

Baby Birds 0517

Mach 1 and Mach 2 have regularly been showing up in the back of the lanai and I have been providing mealworms to them. They showed up in the evening to spend the night on the lanai and I let them do that. I… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0517”

Baby Birds 0515

Mach 1 (the mockingbird released a few days ago) wanted to spend the night on the lanai two days ago and I let it. The next day it left on its own but continued to hang around. I thought it might be best to… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0515”

Baby Birds 0513

Yesterday, I had to leave the house while it was still dark, so I left the birds in Regis’ care. I was scheduled to count roseate spoonbills at the Alligator Farm. When I went to my car, I found a baby mockingbird stuck between… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0513”

Baby Birds 0511

What a day. I released the oldest mockingbird, Mach 1, this morning. Every time I went outside, it either came to me or let me come to it to hand over a bowl of mealworms. Early in the morning, Mach 1 was scavenging below… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0511”

Baby Birds 0509

We did not see the recently released blue jay or mockingbird today. I’m bummed to not see them but it doesn’t mean they aren’t doing their thing somewhere. I spent a little time reading on the lanai with the remaining birds and they came… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0509”

Baby Birds 0508

I released the oldest mockingbird yesterday. The bird is very shy and wary. That is probably a good thing. After releasing her, we saw her a few times. When I fed the remaining birds on the lanai, they make a tweeting racket and we… Continue Reading “Baby Birds 0508”