Tag: dart

45th Wedding Anniversary

We are celebrating our 45th anniversary today August 5, 2023. I met Regis while we were both working at Burger King in Bowie, Maryland. I was 16 at the time and smitten. It took a while for us to get out on a date… Continue Reading “45th Wedding Anniversary”

R.I.P. Dart

LND’s Dashing D’Artagnan aka Dart passed away this afternoon. He was 12 years old. I gave him liver for dinner last night and special treats today, but by this afternoon it was clear he was in pain and I could not keep him any… Continue Reading “R.I.P. Dart”

Coco and Clover

The collies are getting bigger. Having two puppies at the same time to train has been challenging, but I am working through it and the collies are delightfully well-mannered in spite of the multiple dog situation. I sometimes take them to a local dog… Continue Reading “Coco and Clover”

Camping with Three Dogs

We took the whole pack to Fort Worden Historic State Park for one night of camping. The park is located on the Admiralty Inlet in Port Townsend, Washington, where the Straits of Juan de Fuca meet Puget Sound. It is a beautiful area and… Continue Reading “Camping with Three Dogs”

Sibling Puppies

I have two 13 week old rough collie puppies from the same litter. They look similar, but their personalities are different. Raven, the male, is a laid back, friendly guy. He learns quickly and does not usually push the boundaries. He is a Labrador… Continue Reading “Sibling Puppies”

Dart to the Rescue

Unbelievably, while feeding the near death bluebirds this evening, one escaped. Okay, that one was in the best shape. After feeding the other two, I went to look for it. I couldn’t find it. Regis helped. We couldn’t find it. I engaged Dart. He… Continue Reading “Dart to the Rescue”

Baby Bluebirds Near Death

We have been discussing selling the motorhome and decided to pull the trigger recently. Following is a picture of Dart in his usual spot while I emptied the motorhome and cleaned it one last time. This is where he spends his time while we… Continue Reading “Baby Bluebirds Near Death”

Regis vs Pippen

I think the red-bellied woodpecker we are rescuing is driving Regis crazy. The bird plucked all its body feathers and the temperature dipped, so I brought the bird inside. Its feathers are starting to come back, but they are not long enough to keep… Continue Reading “Regis vs Pippen”

Wren in the Garage

I suppose the wrens are looking for nesting opportunities. I found one in the garage. The other day, one was in the bedroom. Yegads! We have not seen Squeak for two days. I have heard killdeers in the marsh for a couple days. I… Continue Reading “Wren in the Garage”

Pip Died Last Night

Yesterday, we noticed that Pip (our smallest killdeer) looked a little scruffy. We weighed the little killdeer and it lost 5 grams in two days. I gave it the same medication I gave earlier to help the bird beef up. It was not enough… Continue Reading “Pip Died Last Night”